The Police officer

His 17-year career with the Police force was cut short by the events of January 6’s insurrection. He was injured by a mob of Trump's sympathizers. More than 40 rioters attacked him as he tried to defend his colleagues and ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS during the violent assault. After two surgeries and a long recovery that included years physical and mental therapies, he couldn’t fully recover and return to discharging his duties and responsibilities as a Capitol Police Sergeant.  As a result, he was medically separated from the police force on December 17, 2022. He continues to treat his PTSD and moral wounds today.
Although he's no longer an officer, he remain steadfast in bringing to justice those who assaulted and contributed in ending his career. Under oath, he have provided crucial harrowing testimony to the U.S. Congress’ January 6th Select Committee and the federal courts in Washington, D.C. as a witness and survivor during criminal trials as well as reminding everyone through news interviews that the tragic events of January 6 should not be downplayed or whitewashed.

“I did what I signed up for and what it was required of me to protect and defend the US Capitol, our Democracy, ALL elected officials from both parties, and my colleagues from the attacking violent mob. I kept my oath despite the violence, the odds and my injuries”.

—Sgt Gonell

January 6 injuries and recovery

Sgt. Gonell at the President Obama’s Inauguration Stage.

More than 40 rioters assaulted Sgt. Gonell on January 6, 2021. Here are some of notable actions by Sgt. Gonell during the insurrection highlighted by red arrows. He helped protect the elected officials, their staff, his colleagues and rendered aid to his attackers.

Sgt. Gonell sworn in for his testimony to the U.S. Congress.

Sgt. Gonell's journey with the United States Capitol Police  started in the summer of 2003 when he saw the Capitol Police recruiting advertisement in a newspaper as he was heading to his security guard gig in Manhattan, NY. However, during the application process, he was called-up by the Army to serve 545 days in support of the war efforts in Iraq and later shipped overseas.
Upon his return to the United States in February 2005, he  continued his education at LIU-BC and in September, he graduated with a bachelor’s in Liberal Arts.   He missed the structure, camaraderie and purpose to help others that the Army gave him.  
Shortly after, he moved to Allentown, PA, with his relatives as he waited for the application process to become a police officer in Broward County (FL), Montgomery County (MD), New York City (NY), and Washington, D.C.'s Police departments.
In June 29, 2006, He joined the United States Capitol Police. He protected the U.S. Congress – its Members, employees, visitors, and facilities – so it can fulfill its constitutional and legislative responsibilities in a safe, secure and open environment. He guarded everyone the same, regardless of whom they were and their political views or ideologies. He provided security to both Republican and Democrat presidents, Congresses, Inaugurations, State of the Unions, Joint Sessions, State Funerals among other things.
As an immigrant, as a Soldier, and as a Police officer, he loves our country and have worked to preserve the freedoms we have through tears, sweat and blood to include putting my life in harm’s way.  He has done many things and sacrifices that so many U.S. born citizens are not willing to do themselves for this nation.  He has done what he signed up to do and abide by his duties: an oath he have taken  during my enlistments, promotions and citizenship ceremony:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”
For his 25-year of honorable public service and actions defending the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021, he was awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal by President Joseph R. Biden and the Congressional Gold Medal by Speaker Emerita Nancy P. Pelosi.